Discover with Ease: Enhanced Data Catalog with Semantic Search

See the power of our enhanced Data Catalog featuring Elasticsearch-powered semantic search. Effortlessly explore and find relevant tables with intuitive natural language queries and fine-tune results using in-built filters.


Melanie Yong

Updated on

June 15, 2024

We’re excited to unveil an enhancement to our Data Catalog feature - a powerful search improvement driven by Elasticsearch. This empowers you with more intuitive and efficient ways to discover relevant assets, making data exploration and management a breeze.

Check out our new Catalog UI.

The Power of Elasticsearch

Our search feature now harnesses the capabilities of Elasticsearch, a search engine known for its speed, flexibility, and ability to handle natural language queries. With this upgrade, you can enjoy a more user-friendly and familiar search experience, as Elasticsearch enables semantic search which allow contextual searching instead of relying solely on exact matches or keywords of your tables or columns.

Intuitive SQL-Like Syntax for Schemas and Tables

In addition to natural language searching, we have also introduced the ability to perform searches using SQL-like syntax for schemas and tables. This feature caters to users who are well-versed in SQL and prefer to use a search via path method, providing them with a familiar way to retrieve the exact information they need, with precision and ease. Try schema_name.table_name in the searchbar.

Get search results from semantic searches and via path search.

Advanced In-Built Filters

To further streamline the search process, our enhanced Data Catalog comes with a plethora of in-built filters. These filters allows you to narrow down your search results and find the precise information you require. Here are some of the key filters at your disposal:

1. Asset Type: You can filter assets based on their type, whether it's Glossaries, Terms, or any other asset types within the Data Catalog. That’s right, you can now search Glossary items directly from the Catalog and it’ll lead you to the business term right away.

2. Schema: The schema filter enables you to search for assets within specific data schemas, making it effortless to locate relevant data within your desired context.

3. Tags: Tags provide an excellent way to organize and classify assets. With the tag filter, you can easily find assets associated with specific tags.

4. Classifications: You can filter assets based on the classification, so you can quickly find all assets tagged with PII or Sensitive.

5. Owners: This filter allows you to discover assets owned by specific individuals or teams, facilitating collaboration and accountability.

6. Incidents with time window: This filter can be used to identify assets with any incidents within the time window of 24 hours, 14 hours, 7 days or 30 days, quickly showing to you the assets with open incidents on them. 

Filters can be set to narrow down the search results.

Real-Time Search Results Update

Our enhanced Data Catalog takes user experience to the next level by providing real-time updates as filters are applied. This means that you can instantly see the refined search results as you modify your filter criteria, enabling you to quickly zero in on the most relevant assets.

With these powerful enhancements, you can now expect an intuitive, real-time, and highly effective search process, ultimately leading to improved productivity, data management, and decision-making. We are committed to ongoing innovation, ensuring that our customers always have access to cutting-edge capabilities that propel them forward in their data-driven journey.

Check out our Public Roadmap on what’s the plan for our next update.

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